Session X: CSS / Participation and Crowds

Research Papers, on Perusall: 

  • Brown, A., Franken, P., Bonner, S., Dolezal, N., & Moross, J. (2016). Safecast: successful citizen-science for radiation measurement and communication after Fukushima. Journal of Radiological Protection, 36(2), S82.
  • Graham, M., Hogan, B., Straumann, R. K., & Medhat, A. (2014). Uneven geographies of user-generated information: Patterns of increasing informational poverty. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(4), 746-764.
  • Salesses, P., Schechtner, K., & Hidalgo, C. A. (2013). The collaborative image of the city: mapping the inequality of urban perception. PloS one, 8(7), e68400.
  • Zook, M., Graham, M., Shelton, T., & Gorman, S. (2010). Volunteered geographic information and crowdsourcing disaster relief: a case study of the Haitian earthquake. World Medical & Health Policy, 2(2), 7-33.

Recommended Readings: 

Technical References (Recommended): 

  • Salganik. Chapter 5.1, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6. Chapter 7.2.