Columbia Resources

A strength of GSAPP and Columbia University is the numerous programs and centers offering you research and skills-based assistance. Regardless of your experience, these resources are there to help you learn and excel in your research (and learning!) endeavors.

A notable aspect of our program is the diversity of experiences among its community members. However, with the diversity of languages, academic writing in English is a difficult art to master. While you will gain practice in communicating with diverse audiences in this class, the writing center is a great resource that you should feel welcome (and excited!) to take advantage of:

As you navigate through research design and quantitative analysis, you may wish to seek one-on-one help, especially when you’re lost in the weeds (it happens to your instructor all. the. time.) The Research Data Services is a great resource for you to use for GIScience, data-centered, and technical questions. In addition to their spatial data collections, they offer technical consultants for questions regarding data and those related to performing certain operations in the GIScience and data analytics domains. They are located in Lehman Library, and more information can be found at

The Department of Statistics also offers one-on-one consulting services with statistical analysis, with more information available at The Columbia Libraries also offers coding assistance in various languages and suites, as well as in data management. More information on the Libraries’ services may be found at