Session XI: CSS / Machines + Creating Data

Research Papers, on Perusall: 

  • Anjomshoaa, A., Duarte, F., Rennings, D., Matarazzo, T. J., deSouza, P., & Ratti, C. (2018). City scanner: Building and scheduling a mobile sensing platform for smart city services. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(6), 4567-4579.
  • Offenhuber, D., Lee, D., Wolf, M. I., Phithakkitnukoon, S., Biderman, A., & Ratti, C. (2012). Putting matter in place: Measuring tradeoffs in waste disposal and recycling. Journal of the American Planning Association, 78(2), 173-196.
  • Williams, S., White, A., Waiganjo, P., Orwa, D., & Klopp, J. (2015). The digital matatu project: Using cell phones to create an open source data for Nairobi’s semi-formal bus system. Journal of Transport Geography, 49, 39-51.
  • Vant-Hull, B., Ramamurthy, P., Havlik, B., Jusino, C., Corbin-Mark, C., Schuerman, M., … & Glenn, A. A. (2018). The Harlem heat project: A unique media–community collaboration to study indoor heat waves. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(12), 2491-2506.
  • Yoshimura, Y., Sobolevsky, S., Ratti, C., Girardin, F., Carrascal, J. P., Blat, J., & Sinatra, R. (2014). An analysis of visitors’ behavior in the Louvre Museum: A study using Bluetooth data. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 41(6), 1113-1131.

Recommended Readings: 

  • Salim, Flora and Usman Haque. 2015. “Urban Computing in the Wild: A Survey on Large-Scale Participation and Citizen Engagement with Ubiquitous Computing, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Internet of Things.” In International Journal of Human–Computer Studies. 81:31-48.
  • Salganik. Chapter 7.2.1