
The schedule is subject to change due to several dates still needing to be situated. Be sure also to check the assignment/deliverables schedule, especially as documents may “lock” at the due time.

04 Sept

Whole Group: Introduction to Semester
Individual Group: Scholars’ Journey & Expectations
Assigned Readings

11 Sept

Research Questions, Scope, and Process
Assigned Readings

18 Sept

Workshop: Refining Scope and Questions

02 Oct

Workshop: Literature and Precedent Analyses

09 Oct

Whole: IRB (in Fayerweather 209, 11a-12p)
Ethical considerations, harms, and CITI training
Assigned Readings

16 Oct

Measurements, Research Design, and Research Methods
Assigned Readings

23 Oct

Workshop: Measurement and Methods

30 Oct

Discussing Refinements
…followed by Open One-on-Ones

06 Nov

Workshop: Refinements

13 Nov


20 Nov

Peer Review Workshop — with Snacks!

27 Nov

Thanksgiving Recess

04 Dec

Lightning Talks

11 Dec, 5pm

Extended Thesis proposal and/or Capstone brief
due to Courseworks and section submission folder.

18 Dec, 5pm

Reader approval forms due to office.