Usage of Amsterdam Ave entrances

My observations take place every Monday morning around 10 -11 a.m. I walk along Amsterdam Avenue and observe the flow of people at its three entrances. The green area indicates low foot traffic, suggesting that this entrance is less popular with pedestrians. Lower pedestrian densities can be attributed to more secluded entrances and more uncomfortable environments. The yellow areas indicate moderate traffic and no significant congestion. I believe the main reason for the relatively sparse foot traffic at this entrance is that it does not provide an efficient connection to the main attractions and facilities on campus.

In contrast, the red entrance was extremely busy. This entrance proves its prominence, and it is likely to be the main entrance for the influx of students, faculty, and tourists. It also demonstrates that the entrance is a critical location. It serves as the main artery of the campus and is in close proximity to the central facility. It is also a key hub that directs the flow of the entire campus.