Secret Tunnel Staff Lounge

I noticed this mysterious tunnel lounge area under the Avery at the beginning of the semester, which is located in the passageway behind the Avery vending machine. At first, I thought the tunnel was just for connecting between buildings, but I came to find out that people stopped here for various reasons.

My observations happen every Wednesday morning around 11 am. I usually go to the vending machine at that time to rehydrate. That’s when I’ll go to the back and observe how the place is being used.

I found that this area is usually used by school staff. And the tables had the words staff ONLY on them. On three occasions I noticed cleaners taking a break. On two other occasions I found staff members transporting food or other items through this aisle (it seemed to be when Avery had a meeting). Interestingly, it seems that no students want to stay here. However, I have not yet walked to the end of this passage to see where it leads.

I think this area is cool, but I don’t seem to have found any signs of student activity here, which surprises me. The current conclusion is that this area is only used by staff for breaks during work and transportation purposes.