The Usage Of Bike Lock Stand In Columbia University

The observation conducted on bike lock stand usage at Columbia University has provided insights into how the distribution and accessibility of bike lock stands influence their utilization across different campus locations. My observation usually is conducted through a short walk around the areas with a high significant walk flow on campus, the times the observations are being conducted are from the time ranges of 12-1pm, throughout my usual path I pass by around 8 bike lock stands, usually at this time of day it demonstrates a clear usage of these infrastructures.

High Utilization in Populated Areas Demonstrate Bike lock stands located in areas with high pedestrian traffic and close to heavily utilized facilities, such as gyms and classrooms, showed the highest levels of utilization. These stands were often fully occupied during the observation period, indicating a strong demand for bike parking in these areas. Lower Utilization in Less Populated Areas are shown, where bike lock stands situated in less populated parts of the campus, or areas perceived as inconvenient, showed significantly lower levels of utilization. These stands were rarely fully occupied, suggesting that location convenience plays a critical role in stand usage. Impact of Proximity to Campus Facilities play a role where key campus facilities appeared to influence bike lock stand usage. Stands near facilities with constant foot traffic, such as dining halls and libraries, were more likely to be utilized compared to those in more isolated locations.