Piano in the Lobby

The place I chose to observe was the piano downstairs in my apartment. It is located next to the mail box, across from the doorman, and generally if people enter through the front door to go to the elevator, this piano is in a line of motion that people don’t notice.

I observed that most people don’t pay attention to this piano – unless someone is playing it.
There are two types of people who play the piano; children with piano sheet music, and adults without piano sheet music. The kids usually have a parent with them when they play, and I think they are children who are learning to play the piano. Most of these children play along with the piano sheet music.
Adults, on the other hand, mostly play the piano for fun. Most of them don’t have much knowledge about piano and just hit the piano keys. And most of the adults would stop when they heard someone passing by.It’s interesting to note that in the group of adults playing piano, the number of solo players and multiple players playing together is half and half.

In terms of time of day, it’s more kids playing the piano on weekdays, and the peak time is between 3:30 and 5. Whereas adults have a more even distribution of time